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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»

About the journal:

The journal was registered in the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 8, 2009, No. 10107-Zh.

Certificate of re-registration of a periodical, news agency and online publication no. KZ89VPY00033638, issued on 19.03.2021. Information Committee of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
ISSN (print)  1728-8940
ISSN (Online) 2959-6270
It has been published since 2001.
Frequency – 4 issues per year

According to the design of articles and article references, the journal meets the requirements of state standard (GOST 7.5-98) «Journals, collections, information publications. Publishing design of published materials» and state standard (GOST 7.1-2003)  Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation (look here: JSC "National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation" ( JSC "NCSTE") reference document)

Impact factor of the journal on 2020 - 0.019

The journal publishes the results of scientific research on topical problems of fundamental, applied research in the field of sociological and political sciences, scientists, teaching staff, doctoral students and undergraduates of our university, other universities and scientific organizations and scientists from abroad. Materials are published in the Kazakh, Russian, English and other languages.

The main sections of the journal are: Problems of political science; Topical issues of sociology;  Rostrum of Foreign Scientists; To help the teacher.