Is it possible to find another phenomenon in the field of spiritual culture of mankind, both mythology and judgment? Someone connects it with religion, someone sees it as a confrontation with religion, someone mixes it with a folk legend, a fairy tale, someone considers it separately from them. Some consider mythology a rational burden or an alternative in the spiritual wealth of the people, while others view it as a deep progressive factor of culture. What is mythology really? It has to do with religion and folklore, what place it occupies in the history of human thought.
Comparative analysis of the paradigms of myth and legend
Published June 2021
How to Cite
Hamzeeva Б. and Barakbayeva Т. 2021. Comparative analysis of the paradigms of myth and legend. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Sociological and Political sciences. 72, 4 (Jun. 2021), 212–218. DOI: