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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»

MODERN FOREIGN POLICY RELATIONS THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN AND THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA: 30th anniversary of the foreign relations of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea

Published March 2022
al-Farabi Kazakh National University



Dmitri Men

Doctor of political science, Professor Al-Farabi Kazkh national University, Almaty, Kazakhstan e-mail:  

al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Tatyana Pak

Korean language lecturer Al-Farabi Kazkh national University, Almaty, Kazakhstan e-mail:


In the article, the authors consider the political aspects of international relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea. Political relations and the development of democratic processes in both countries are studied. An interdisciplinary approach has been taken to the disclosure of cooperation over the entire 30-year historical period since the conclusion of diplomatic relations and the transition to a qualitatively new format of partnership in a wide field of interaction. A political approach to the study of the problem of international events in the Asian continent has been developed. The positive role of international  relations over the past decades between the countries of Central Asia and Seoul is revealed.

For the Republic of Korea, it is a very promising and dynamically developing region with rich natural resources and large transit and transport potential. Recent events have demonstrated the interest of economically developed countries of the world in cooperation with Kazakhstan. The significance of the Korean experience, the main load-bearing structures on which the modern foreign policy model of the Republic of Korea is based for Kazakhstan, requires assessment from different angles, including its interests primarily in the Central Asian region. International cooperation with the Republic of Korea and its experience in organizing an open policy are of considerable importance for Kazakhstan.

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How to Cite

Men Д.В. and Pak Т.Н. 2022. MODERN FOREIGN POLICY RELATIONS THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN AND THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA: 30th anniversary of the foreign relations of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Korea. BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences». 77, 1 (Mar. 2022), 17–22. DOI: