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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»


Published December 2022
The Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Digital University


Abhari Aiman Shawkat Faris

Abhari Aiman Shawkat Faris
The Talal Abu-Ghazaleh Digital University, Jordan, е-mail:


A lot of political and social studies focused on the transformations that the Arab world experienced, especially the period that followed the Arab Spring revolutions since the beginning of 2011. These studies discussed the issue of the elites and their role in the events that took place and are still taking place in the Arab world since that date. Analysts have put on the table two important questions regarding the issue of the elite: What is the role of the elite, and did it really play a role in directing events? Or did these revolutions take place without leadership, and the elite could not catch up with these revolutions? As for the second question, it was about the role of the military elites, and their role in aborting the Arab Spring revolutions, changing their direction and stealing their fruit. In this study, I tried to shed light on the role of the military institution in obstructing democratic transition, as well as revealing the military elite’s exploitation of other elites in order to achieve its goal. And how some political elites preferred to stand with the military in order to obtain personal benefits and thus missed the Arabs the biggest real opportunity for democratic transformation and the realization of some of the demands of the Arab revolutions. This position taken by the political elite that cooperated with the military in order to eliminate its political opponents is considered The biggest political betrayal committed by some political elites in the Arab world.



How to Cite

Abhari , A. 2022. ARMIES AND DEMOCRATIZATION IN THE ARAB WORLD. BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences». 80, 4 (Dec. 2022), 38–48. DOI: