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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»

Evolutionary change in the social protection system of the population of independent Kazakhstan

Published June 2021
Miras University, Kazakhstan, South Kazakhstan medical Academy, Kazakhstan


F. E. Shintaeva

Miras University, Kazakhstan, South Kazakhstan medical Academy, Kazakhstan

Miras University, Kazakhstan, South Kazakhstan medical Academy, Kazakhstan


Z. Sh. Orazymbetova

Miras University, Kazakhstan, South Kazakhstan medical Academy, Kazakhstan


 In this article, the authors talk about the evolutionary changes in the system of social protection of the population in Kazakhstan, that is, about the evolutionary changes in the policy of social protection of the population of the USSR and modern Kazakhstan. The authors begin this situation by considering the example of the independent Republic of Kazakhstan, which was part of the USSR.


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How to Cite

Shintaeva Ф. and Orazymbetova З. 2021. Evolutionary change in the social protection system of the population of independent Kazakhstan. BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences». 72, 4 (Jun. 2021), 64–71. DOI: