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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»


Published March 2024
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University



Raushanbek Absattarov

Absattarov Raushanbek
Corresponding member of NAS, doctor of philosophical Sciences, Professor, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


The article examines the problems of socio-political activity of people, which have not yet been sufficiently studied in the socio-political literature.

The article explores in more detail the issues of socio-political activity of people using materials from Kazakhstan: the concept, content and definition of socio-political activity; problems and contradictions of the socio-political activity of Kazakhstanis and ways to solve them; nurturing the socio-political activity of the Kazakh population. The article notes that in its origin and content, socio-political activity is a product of social development. Its formation occurs under the influence of objective conditions and subjective factors. Socio-political activity is not an innate property of people. It cannot be obtained ready-made from its predecessors. It is formed by the entire life of a democratic society, the nature of relationships between people at work and in life.

The most important aspect of socio-political activity is its education. Without the education of socio-political activity, the progress of society and the connection between generations are unthinkable, etc. The results of the socio-political activity of the population are their direct contribution to determining the main directions of the domestic and foreign policy of the Kazakh state, to the implementation of this policy, which aims to strengthen the democratic way of life and ensure real steps towards a fair society. All this is facilitated by the institutions of people's democracy and the socio-political system of society in general. At the same time, the article also pays attention to controversial issues.

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