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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»


Published July 2024
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University



Gauhar Zhumach

Жұмаш Гаухар Темірәліқызы


To date, the discourse on the rivalry of the world’s leading players for influence in Central Asia has been renewed in the expert community. The region, not being the number one priority for any external player, is nevertheless included in the sphere of interests not only of the “big three”, consisting of Russia, China and the United States, but also other states. To realize their foreign policy goals, these countries are increasingly turning to the rapidly expanding tool of “soft power”. The purpose of this work is to reveal the influence of the soft power of states on Kazakhstan. The relevance of the study of the “soft power” policy of these countries and the assessment of its prospects are also increasing due to Kazakhstan’s active participation in projects initiated by these countries (EEC, “One belt – Оne road”). The methodological basis of the study is the traditional analysis of documents and comparative analysis.




How to Cite

Zhumach Г. 2024. SOFT POWER: OPPORTUNITIES FOR KAZAKHSTAN. BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences». 86, 2 (Jul. 2024). DOI: