The article examines the issues of organizational structures and methods of managing socio-political processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which have not yet been sufficiently studied in the socio-scientific literature.
The article examines in more detail the theoretical and sociological issues of organizational structures and methods of managing socio-political processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan: the concept and content of organizational structures for managing socio-political processes in Kazakh society; issues of methods of managing socio-political processes in the republic; problems of organizational structures and methods of managing socio-political processes in the country and ways their decisions.
The article notes that of the diverse problems of managing socio-political processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan, we primarily explore those sociological issues that have not yet been studied or poorly covered in the scientific literature, but are of significant interest to the theory and practice of managing new Kazakhstan, determining ways of social development, and increasing the welfare of the people.
The management of socio-political processes in its structure consists of policy management bodies and social process management bodies. The governing bodies of socio-political processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan primarily include the state apparatus, various kinds of public organizations, cultural, educational and information apparatus. Methods of managing socio-political processes also play an important role in this issue. Methods of managing socio-political processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan are a set of the most characteristic actions of the management apparatus inherent in this management system and determined by its essence. The article also focuses on controversial issues.