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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»

Social stratification of peasants after the Great Patriotic war

Published June 2021
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan


Y.A. Zhalmagambetov

Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Kazakhstan


The end of the Great Patriotic War gave people hope for a new life. The country's economy has suffered greatly from the war. During the war, the government focused on heavy industry. Because the war required weapons and heavy equipment. Therefore, special attention was paid to the condition of the workers and their social security. The state also focused on the development of agriculture. However, the working conditions of the peasants, their social security were not equal to those of the workers.

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How to Cite

Zhalmagambetov Е. 2021. Social stratification of peasants after the Great Patriotic war. BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences». 72, 4 (Jun. 2021), 197–201. DOI: