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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»

Sociological analysis of the concept of young family

Published June 2021
Kazakh national women's pedagogical university


A.B. Sarsenova

Kazakh national women's pedagogical university

Kazakh national women's pedagogical university


Zh.S. Uristemova

Kazakh national women's pedagogical university


The article discusses the concept, status, key problems and aspects of family values of a young family. The family as a social institution goes through various stages of formation and development and performs a certain function. Young families face life problems in any society and need the support of the state and society. The material needs and needs of young families, their causes and consequences, as well as ways to address them, are the basis of this study. An attempt was made to identify the causes of various contradictions in the family by studying the spiritual and moral understanding between 

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How to Cite

Sarsenova Б. and Uristemova Ж. 2021. Sociological analysis of the concept of young family. BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences». 70, 2 (Jun. 2021), 64–72. DOI: