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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»


Published June 2021
Abai Kazakh National pedagogical university



Zh.K. Madalieva

candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor, Abai Kazakh National pedagogical university, Almaty, Kazakhstan e-mail:


The article discusses in detail the essence and meaning of ritual as a social action. The study of the nature of this phenomenon involves, first of all, the study of various approaches to the definition of the concept of "ritual" and related phenomena. Analyzing the existing definitions, the author comes to the conclusion that "ritual" is a certain set of actions that have symbolic meaning. The symbolism of the ritual is manifested in its connecting role with the world of the sacred, sacred. The article emphasizes that in the consciousness of a person in a traditional society, the sacred world is present in the real world through ritual. As an archaic form of culture, ritual was also a way of regulating and maintaining collective life. The ritual served as a means of integrating and maintaining the integrity of the human community, giving it stability. Therefore, the article focuses on the social functions of the ritual in both public and individual life.

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How to Cite

Madalieva Ж. 2021. SOCIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF RITUAL: SOME REFLECTIONS. BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences». 74, 2 (Jun. 2021), 67–71. DOI: