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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»

Analysis of theoretical approaches and conceptual ideas on the problems of deviant behavior among children in orphanages

Published June 2021
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan


G.B. Esbergenova

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan


Abstract. The article analyzes theoretical approaches and conceptual concepts on the problems of deviant behavior among children in orphanages. The theoretical and conceptual analysis is based on the report of American, European, and Russian authors and the UNICEF report for 2011: «Violence against children in state residential institutions in Kazakhstan: an assessment».

The author examines the most common types of deviant behavior among children in orphanages, giving an example of deviant behavior of children in orphanages, receiving the results of several studies conducted in the world to date.


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How to Cite

Esbergenova Г. 2021. Analysis of theoretical approaches and conceptual ideas on the problems of deviant behavior among children in orphanages. BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences». 72, 4 (Jun. 2021), 100–107. DOI: