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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»

Formation and development of the “Soft power” strategy of the Republic of Korea

Published June 2021
KazUIRandWL named by Ablai khan Almaty city, Kazakhstan


F.Zh. Borantayeva

Doctoral candidate of KazUIRandWL named by Ablai khan, Almaty city, Kazakhstan

KazUIRandWL named by Ablai khan Almaty city, Kazakhstan


K.Sh. Baisultanova

Candidate of political Sciences, KazUIRandWL named by Ablai khan, Almaty city, Kazakhstan


Nowadays indirect influence from other countries is becoming commonplace. This article discusses the features of the formation and development of the strategy of "soft power" in South Korea. The authors analyzed the theoretical foundations of “soft power” and the historical aspects of its formation and disclosure of the essence of this policy in South Korea. 

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How to Cite

Borantayeva Ф. and Baisultanova К. 2021. Formation and development of the “Soft power” strategy of the Republic of Korea. BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences». 70, 2 (Jun. 2021), 9–14. DOI: