The article investigates the relationship of psychological wellbeing and success in the professional activity of the person. Despite the fact that psychological wellbeing comes out as mainly psychological term, particularly in case of studying the employees of universities it turns to its sociological side. Due to the fact that any kind of communication is close to sociological stream and some issues in the used questionnaires reflects the sociology as well. The understanding of term success in this work turns to the concept of stress resistance and a willingness and readiness for change of the people who are professionals in the
Social and psychological factors of psychological wellbeing in higher education system of Kazakhstan
Published June 2021
How to Cite
Niyazova А. 2021. Social and psychological factors of psychological wellbeing in higher education system of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Sociological and Political sciences. 70, 2 (Jun. 2021), 131–137. DOI: