This article is devoted to the problems of false interaction of students in the field of secondary education. This article provides a scientific analysis of the term "falseointeraction". Falseointraction is interactions of a special kind, characterized by the awareness of lies (falsehood, deception) by both Actors and the simultaneous acceptance (or imitation of acceptance) of this lie for the truth.
The main purpose of the article is to explain the relationship between truthfulness and false information through falseointeraction among secondary school students, namely among schoolchildren studying from grades 5-9, and to determine the level of relevance of this problem based on special studies and scientific articles published in recent years. Communication between adolescents and parents has been the subject of several studies examining the effects of disclosure and secrecy on social relationships and adolescent adaptation. Less attention was paid to adolescent deception. Even though lying is a common problem for parents, doctors, and specialists, there has been little systematic research on the lies that children tell in connection with their problematic behaviour and other social factors that may influence this relationship. In adolescence, it is very difficult to be heard and not get punished for it. Which is also a big issue in society. And in no case should children be allowed to use the results of deception.