This article explores the less-studied aspects of Wilhelm Dilthey's social school within sociological science. The focus is on his contributions to the development of the social school and the influence of his ideas on his students and followers. Special attention is given to the fact that Wilhelm Dilthey, as a prominent German philosopher, sociologist, psychologist, and educator, significantly impacted social and pedagogical thought. A key aspect of his approach is the distinction between the concepts of "understanding" and "explaining," with a preference for the former. Dilthey argued that to comprehend spiritual, personal, and social phenomena, it is necessary not only to explain them but also to understand them. He developed specific "categories of life" and theories of the social school, which became the foundation for subsequent branches of the philosophy of life, sociology, and pedagogy. The article also examines the contributions of his students and followers, such as M. Frischeisen-Köhler, E. Spranger, G. Nohl, and T. Litt, and discusses the controversial issues related to his legacy.
How to Cite
Rau И. and Absattarov Р. 2023. WILHELM DILTHEY AND HIS SOCIAL SCHOOL. Bulletin of Abai KazNPU. Series of Sociological and Political sciences. 82, 2 (Jun. 2023), 59–71. DOI: