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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»

Articles requirements

General requirements:

  1. The Editorial Board accepts previously unpublished articles in the scientific areas of the journal.
  2. Manuscripts should be relevant on the subject, significant from a scientific and practical point of view, clearly structured compositionally (problem statement, solutions, conclusions and suggestions).
  3. The article should be written in good Kazakh, English or Russian languages. The volume of the article (excluding the abstract, information about the authors and the list of references) is  3000– 12000 words, «Anti - plagiarism».
  4. The number of authors of the article should be reasonable.
  5. Articles submitted for publication should not be considered for publication elsewhere.
  6. For reviewing, the author must upload an article in a separate file without any information about himself.
  7. The text of the article is submitted in Microsoft Word format, and the accompanying documents with the original signatures are attached to the letter in PDF or JPG format.
  8. If the article has more than one author, then a cover letter signed by all the authors should be attached.  See the Cover letter  Covering letter to the scientific article
  9. Text editor Microsoft Word, 2010, 2020. Times New Roman size 12. Margins: right and left - 2 cm, top and bottom - 2 cm, after 1 interval.

Main elements of the article:
When preparing a manuscript, you must adhere to the following metadata structure, which is presented in Kazakh, Russian and English: Article title; Annotation; Keywords; The text of the article should include an introduction (relevance, scientific importance, purpose of the study), the main body (basic position, reseach methodology, review of scientific literature, methods, results, discussion), and conclusion;  List of references. Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion.

The title of the article (consists of 7-10 words, without abbreviations, exceeding the number of words is unacceptable).
Abstract (presents the goals and objectives of your research; briefly explains the methodology of the research; reports on the results you have achieved; justifies the significance of the research for science.
Introduction (Introduction. Why was the study conducted? What was investigated, the purpose of the study, what hypotheses were tested?).
Research methodology (When, where and how were the studies conducted? What methods were used? What materials were used or who was included in the sample?).
Results of the study (What answer was found. Was the hypothesis tested correctly?).
Discussion (Discussion of the results. What does the answer imply and why does it matter? How does this fit in with what other researchers have found? What are the prospects for research?).
Conclusion (conclusions).

The requirements for the article structure:
- SRSTI (Rubricator of Scientific and Technical Information) – in the language of the article;
- the author’s full name. "*" marks the author-correspondent);
- the place of work (study), city, country;
- the article title (placed in the center and typed with bold capital letters, – in the language of the article;
- the abstract (in the language of the article) – not less than 100 and not more than 300 words;
- the keywords/phrases keywords separated by semicolons (5-8 words);
- the text of the article should include an IMRAD (introduction, basic position, reseach methodology, methods, review of scientific literature, results, discussion and conclusion);
- References.

The requirement for the design of the article (download) file / requirements

A cover letter for a scientific article

Bibliographic record