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BULLETIN Series of «Sociological and Political sciences»

Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief - R.B. Absattarov, member-correspondent of NSA of RK, doctor of philosophical science, professor (Kazakhstan), EJH-8039-2022

Еxecutive Secretary - Zh.Kuanyshbayeva, PhD, (Kazakhstan)
Scopus Author ID: 55776762500; ORCID - 0000-0002-5253-873X

Technical secretary - K. Kantayeva, master of humanities (Kazakhstan)
ORCID - 0000-0002-0657-2013

Editorial Board:

S.T. Seidumanov - member-correspondent of NSA of RK, doctor of sociological science, professor (Kazakhstan)
Scopus Author ID: 57209220836;  ORCID - 0000-0001-7065-7284

Z.K. Shaukenova - member-correspondent of NSA of RK, doctor of sociological science, professor (Kazakhstan)
Scopus Author ID: 56528473500; ORCID - 0000-0001-7439-7969

E.K. Aliyarov  - Doctor of Political Sciences, President of the Kazakh Center for
Humanitarian and Political Conjuncture, Professor (Kazakhstan)
Scopus Author ID: 57579013900; ORCID - 0000-0002-4173-7100

G.O. Nasimova - doctor of political science, professor (Kazakhstan)
Scopus Author ID: 56127765400; ORCID - 0000-0002-8308-1314

G.S. Abdirayimova - doctor of sociological science, professor (Kazakhstan)
Scopus Author ID:56528403300; ORCID - 0000-0001-6939-9281

J.K. Simtikov - doctor of political sciences, professor (Kazakhstan)
Scopus Author ID: 57211686716; ORCID - 0000-0003-0770-488X

Lim Chae Wan - doctor of political science, professor (South Korea) 

N.P. Narbut  - doctor of sociological science, professor (Russia)
Scopus Author ID: 25422455000; ORCID - 0000-0002-3622-305X

I.A. Rau  - doctor of philosophical science, professor (Germany)

S.V. Reshetnikov  - doctor of political science, professor (Belarus)
Страниц в;  ORCID - 0000-0003-1136-9535

Lourans Tain - doctor of sociological science, professor (France)
Scopus Author ID: 56044154700

Ye.A. Kharkovshcenko - doctor of philosophical science, professor (Ukraine)
Scopus Author ID: 57352770700  ORCID ID - 0000-0002-8241-1625

N.P. Medvedev  - doctor of political science, professor (Russia)
Страниц в

B.M. Toregaldieva  - doctor of political science, professor (Kyrgyzstan)
Страниц в  ORCID - 0000-0002-5519-5998

A. Kurmangali - doctor of political science, associate professor (Kazakhstan)
Scopus Author ID: 57214316149  ORCID - 0000-0002-9846-4983

A.Zh. Mukazhanova - doctor of political science, associate professor (Kazakhstan)
Scopus Author ID: 57219244010; ORCID - 0009-0001-5160-2867

J.K. Karimova  - PhD (Sociology), associate professor (Kazakhstan)
Scopus Author ID: 58580443200  ORCID - 0000-0003-0894-843X 

Domestic reviewers:

Musataev S.  - doctor of political sciences  (Kazakhstan)

Salikzhanov R.   - doctor of sociological sciences, docent (Kazakhstan)

Kusainov D.  - doctor of pilosophy, professor (Kazakhstan)

Nurgalym K.  - candidate of political sciences, доцент (Kazakhstan)

Baigabylov N.  - PhD (sociological science), (Kazakhstan)

Omargazy Е.  - candidate of political sciences, docent (Kazakhstan)

Foreign reviewers:

Malkhaz Matsaberidze  -  doctor of political sciences (Georgia)

Omuraliev N.  - doctor of sociological science (Kyrgyzstan)

Zhorobekov Zh.  - doctor of political sciences, professor  (Kyrgyzstan)

Hayati Tufekcigulu  - doctor of sociological science (Turkey)

Ali Rafet Ozkan   - doctor of sociological science (Turkey)

Tadeusz Dmochowski   - doctor of sociological science,  professor (Poland)

Catherine Poujol  - PhD (political sciences)  (France)

R. Charles Weller -  PhD, Assistant Professor, Washington State University, (Washington, USA)